As mentioned in “Did You Know”, the
internet only took 4 years to reach 50 million people and now with the
prevelance of smart phones, that virtual landscape is accessible to billions of
people world wide. Due to this, we
as teachers have many more tools in our tool belt to share information with
students, and for students to share information with each other. As mentioned in the “Vision for 2011”
video, we no longer have a choice of whether or not we want to participate in
the digital community. However, In
my work with schools and students with my job in school fundraising projects, I
have come to realize too how many students in our state still don’t have access
to this technology. Many do not
have cable TV, computers, let alone smart phones. So, while my philosophy of teaching embraces incorporating
the digital world into my classroom, I also struggle with how not to
disenfranchise my lower income, non-digital students.
It's obviously that you're already exceeding the predictions of "by 2020 we'll all be using smart phones". You'll be an excellent role model for kids and will be able to focus on appropriate use of these technologies, as well as addressing the potential hazards and misuses (eg., video/pics of partying, etc). I appreciated your last sentence "... disenfranchise lower income" and was thinking you'd have addressed this in your Yodio, also. How does this fit into the Flipped Classroom and access for all? Lots of solutions, of course. Just need to put on your innovative thinking cap.